"The women of Bikini Kill let guitarist Billy Karren be in their feminist punk band, but only if he's willing to just "do some shit." Being a feminist dude is like that. We may ask you to "do some shit" for the band, but you don't get to be Kathleen Hannah."--@heatherurehere

Friday, April 25, 2008

Restrained Amusement

In yet another example of one of my favorite comics annoying the crap out of me: XKCD Thinks Restraining Orders Are Funny...

Thing is, I get that this is funny, conceptually. At the risk of going Monty-Python-esque, the humor is found within pushing the boundaries (no pun intended) of the concept of a restraining order--normally, it's just meant to keep people away, so a restraining order as described in the comic is antithetical to what restraining orders are for. The cognitive dissonance provided by holding the original concept and the revised concept in one's head helps create the humor. And yet, for me, it can't help but conjure up the women (and men, and people of all genders) who have to get restraining orders, for various reasons, which helps the funny slip away quickly and quietly.


Anonymous said...

Kidnapping is not funny.

Jeff Pollet said...

Good point, phero...

1075417302 said...

It's. a. fucking. joke.


Fernweher said...

every restraining order against men should come with the condition that if the man violates the order and approaches the female, anything short of lethal force is 100% legally excused against him by woman who told him to fuck off. like, all restraining orders should be an official warning of "fuck off, or else."